LSVT LOUD™ for Parkinson’s in the Orlando Area
We now offer LSVT eLOUD™ Voice and Speech Treatment for Parkinson’s ONLINE! Use your web browser to receive live rehabilitation services with high-quality video and audio. Click here for more information
The Lee Silverman Voice Treatment, or LSVT LOUD™, is a voice and speech treatment first developed in 1987 specifically to address speech difficulties found in Parkinson’s disease. It is backed by published research that demonstrates improvements in vocal loudness, speech intonation, and vocal quality for up to two years following treatment.
LSVT LOUD™ focuses on a single goal – to “speak LOUD!” However, this method does NOT teach participants to shout or yell. Instead, a trained speech-language pathologist administers the exercises and works to modify the client’s performance for an improved, healthy vocal loudness with no strain. Through the exercises, muscles of the respiratory system, voice box, and speech mechanism are targeted to increase vocal loudness to within normal limits and improve speech intelligibility.
In addition to voice improvements, the LSVT LOUD™ protocol has been shown in research studies to effectively improve articulation, swallow function, and facial expressions in addition to its targeted improvement in voice and speech.
The LSVT LOUD™ protocol includes the following:
- 16 sessions across one month (4 consecutive sessions each week, across 4 weeks)
- Voice exercises each session
- Hierarchy of speech tasks each session
- Home practice every day of the month (usually completed in 10-15 mins)
This intensive treatment protocol is consistent with theories of motor learning and neural plasticity and it crucial for obtaining maximal results that last. Not only is the motor system stimulated, but the treatment incorporates sensory awareness training to assist persons with Parkinson’s to realize that their voice is too soft, re-calibrating their perception of their new louder voice as normal for carryover into life outside of therapy sessions.
LSVT LOUD™ is beneficial to all persons with Parkinson’s; however, according to the research, it is most effective among those who are in early to middle stages of the condition.
LSVT LOUD™ has also been shown to benefit persons with sub-types of Parkinson’s (Shy-Drager syndrome, multiple system atrophy, progressive supranuclear palsy) and other conditions, such as stroke, multiple sclerosis, Down syndrome, and cerebral palsy.
We offer LSVT LOUD™ in-person at our office.
If you live outside of our service area, please click the following link to find an LSVT LOUD™ certified speech-language pathologist near you: